Windows Server 2008 Backup Utility
Mounting backup file created by Windows 2008 Server (Wbadmin)
- Windows Server 2008 Backup Utility Mac
- Windows Server Backup 2008 R2
- Windows Server 2008 Backup Restore Utility
Windows Server 2008 Backup Utility Mac

Windows Server 2008 backup has now improved we no longer backup to BKF file any more, we now backup to VHD file. This VHD file can now be mounted in virtual server as an additional disk to view the content of the back or we could Use Disk mount Utility to view the content. Today what we are going to talk about is how we can use an inbuilt windows 2008 utility to mount the VHD file created to view it content no more virtual server or disk mount utility. This inbuilt utility is known as NTDSUTIL
Jun 28, 2011 Hi All, I am new in Windows Server 2008 R2. I have a WebSite running in Windows Server 2000. I have taken regular Backup of this Website. I am now going to Install Windows Server 2008 R2 for this WebSite. But I am not getting the Utility in Windows Server 2008 R2 to Restore my WebSite. Hi, You may discuss this issue in our IIS forum: http. Backup Basics in Windows Server 2008 R2. A free tool from Microsoft can make backing up data in Windows Server 2008 R2 efficient and almost hassle-free. Here's how to use it effectively. It is also important to keep in mind that Windows Server Backup does have a few good points. I will talk about those good points in Part 2. If you would like to read the next part in this article series please go to Backup and Recovery Issues with Windows Server 2008 (Part 2). Mounting backup file created by Windows 2008 Server (Wbadmin) Windows Server 2008 backup has now improved we no longer backup to BKF file any more, we now backup to VHD file. This VHD file can now be mounted in virtual server as an additional disk to view the content of the back or we could Use Disk mount Utility to view the content. Jul 19, 2019 Windows Server 2008 R2 performs better than Windows Server 2008 is like Windows 7 performs better than Windows vista. Although they are two different server OSes, many basic operations are similar. In this article, the next thing I will mention is a tool that backup Windows Server 2008 R2 are the same to backup Windows Server 2008. Windows Server Backup Limitations You Should Know How to Create Multiple Schedules in Windows Server Backup? How to Schedule Windows Server Backup Once a Week? Easiest Windows Server 2012/2008 Backup Restore to Different Computer Windows Server Backup Schedule Less Than Once a Day Fixed: Windows Server Backup Schedule Not Running Windows.
To begin we need to run command prompt with elevated permissions then let move to the root of the System drive run NTDSUTIL from NTDSUTIL invoke Snapshot then list all the backup snapshots that we have taken as shown in the picture below
Select the backup content you want to mount
Let say we want to mount the 1st one we can mount either by the backup snapshot number or by the Guid as shown in the pictures bellow
Once it is mounted you should get the following message as show in the picture above then open up windows explorer and you should see shortcut to the backup that you mounted by clicking on that shortcut you can view we copy the contents like files and folders as shown in the picture bellow
Windows Server Backup 2008 R2
To mount another backup we need to dismount the existing snapshot as shown in the picture below
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Windows Server 2008 Backup Restore Utility
This way you can copy view replace backup taken from windows server 2008 WBADMIN snap-in without using any other extra utility